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Town of Newtown
Economic Development Commission
Minutes of September 17, 2013


The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, in Meeting Room #3 at the Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Present:  Elana Bertram (Co Vice-Chair), Paul Fadus, Martin Gersten, James Gulalo, Joseph Humeston, Jean Leonard (Chair), Walter Motyka (Co Vice-Chair), and Donald Sharpe.  Also Present:  Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic and Community Development; Wes Thompson, SCORE; and Jeff Jorgenson from REI Technologies.

Ms. Bertram called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:  Mr. Sharpe introduced Jeff Jorgenson, a resident and business owner in Newtown (REI Technology)  Mr. Jorgenson discussed his business and interest in expanding in Newtown.  He shared concerns and difficulties over finding information on the Fairfield Hills campus and then asked what Newtown can bring to the table if he expanded his business here.  He also asked why there is no reach out to business owners in Newtown. Ms. Bertram said there is a stream of information on the EDC website ( with a searchable database.  Ms. Stocker explained several ways her office and EDC has reached out to businesses including an insert that went out from the Tax office.  Mr. Fadus said the FFHA is doing a public relations campaign as well.  Mr. Gersten said the FFHA is a good place to ask questions about Fairfield Hills.  He then asked Mr. Jorgenson how the commission can help him.  The commissioners felt Mr. Jorgenson made some good points and thanked him for his input.  They will keep in touch with him to assist in his expansion.

SCORE – Wes Thomson provided an update on SCORE.  He noted the Newtown office has been open for 12 months, they have formal meetings on Tuesdays and he meets with clients other times during the week.  There are currently 43 clients out of the Newtown office and he has had approximately 108 individual sessions.  He feels there are easy ways for people to seek information within the Town and has found that many business owners are pro-active in seeking out information.  He said there is a perception that Newtown is expensive (taxes and rental or lease costs) but that the Town is not difficult to work with.  

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES:  Mr. Motyka motioned to approve the minutes of August 20, 2013 as written.  Mr. Humeston seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.


Chairwoman, Economic Development Commission

Commissioner Responsibilities – Item tabled.

STEAP Business Assistance Program – Phase II – Ms. Leonard said the Steering Committee met with Main Street and SHOP in a series of round table discussions to get the CT Main Street project off the ground.  They met with merchants, business owners, property owners, and public officials.  Some businesses will participate in a zip code survey to assist in market research.  The turnout for this was not as expected.  CT Main Street will return October 9 - 11.  Consulting teams work one-on-one with participants.  

Director of Economic & Community Development

Buy Local – Ms. Stocker noted there will be a meeting on the 24th from 8:00 to 9:30 am.  Small Business Saturday is scheduled for the day after Black Friday.  She felt the businesses need to be the champions of this.  Mr. Sharpe discussed tying this in with the Chamber’s Bucks Program.  Ms. Stocker said it would be beneficial to use the logo in several areas.  

Business Visitations – Betsy Paynter continues with business visitations.  Some manufacturers have asked about student interns so Ms. Stocker contacted the career center at the High School.  She will meet with them to match students with businesses.    

Seminars – Past / Upcoming – Ms. Stocker said the first seminar, which will be on digital marketing, is on October 8th at the library.

Website – Fadus Referral – Ms. Paynter is following up on this.  

CIP FY 14/15 – Ms. Stocker said the paperwork will be completed.

EPA Clean-up Grant – Ms. Stocker discussed the demolition of Danbury Hall and the eight single family homes.  The plans and specs should be available next week.  A letter from the State will be reissued on the historic impact.  Demolition should start by November.  The grant for $200,000 will pay for  clean-up for all nine buildings.  The Fire Department plan to do some practices on the houses.  There is also a salvage proposal for Danbury Hall.  

Brownfields (Batchelder/Watkins/SHAM) – Ms. Stocker said Batchelder is moving ahead and waiting for EPA to remove underground storage tanks.  Watkins is on Glen Road with a decision on the consultant still to be made.  The consultant will do a phase 1, phase 2 and a hazardous building material inventory with a cost estimate for clean-up if necessary.  SHAM (Sandy Hook Auto and Marine) is still in court.

Regional CEDS (Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy) – Ms. Stocker the  Naugatuck Valley corridor is now an Economic Development District.  Newtown is also doing CEDS with Housatonic Valley region.  She is submitting the Hawleyville Sewer Project as a priority.  At some point a decision needs to be made whether to be part of the Naugatuck Valley or Housatonic Valley District.  


SHU Business Incubator – Ms. Bertram sand she and Ms. Stocker went to Sacred Heart University to present to a new class of students.  Four students have been assigned to the project.  They will provide a list of deliverables by October 3rd.  The project will be wrapping up early to mid-December.  Ms. Stocker said because of an timing issues, the EDC may hold a special meeting so the students can do a presentation.

Hawleyville Sewer Update – Ms. Stocker said and RFP has been sent out for an appraiser.  It will take about three weeks for the appraisals to be completed.  They will be reviewing qualifications on the design engineers.  Mr. Hurley said the sewers will be in place by the summer of 2014.  

SHOP – Mr. Humeston discussed the September 16th meeting.  The sidewalks should be completed by September 30th.  The lights should be in place by the end of the month.  Benches are on their way.  The next phase will be from Dayton Street to the Dauti condo complex.  They are asking for support to help promote the Passport to Sandy Hook.  

Tech Park – Mr. Humeston said the Water and Sewer Authority voted for an extension of the policy for another two years.  Another extension will need to be requested in July 2015.

Fairfield Hills Development – Mr. Fadus discussed the Fairfield Hills Authority meeting he attended.  Mr. Sharpe said EDC was charged with marketing the property.  There was an RFP that has been on their agenda but has been tabled since 12/14.  Ms. Leonard will discuss this with the First Selectman.  


Budget FY 13/14 Work Program – Ms. Stocker distributed and discussed the updated budget.  

Mr. Sharpe motioned to allocate $2,000 for a focus group / expert advice in how to appeal to major developers.  Mr. Motyka seconded the motion and all were in favor.  Ms. Stocker will assign Ms. Paynter to work on this.  

ADJOURNMENT Mr. Humeston motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:01 pm which was seconded by Ms. Leonard.  Motion was approved unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by Tammy Hazen, Clerk